ACES offers a broad array of high quality activities including youth development, art, music, recreation, technology, and character education, which reinforce and complement the school day and positively affect school attendance, academic performance, and decrease disciplinary actions or adverse behaviors.
Part of our commitment to quality after school programing includes offering a wide array of enrichment activities under the A.C.E.S acronym ArtWe are constantly discovering new ways to unleash your child's creativity. Art activities may include learning how to make and press your own paper, foraging outdoors to create nature art, and exploring the combination of colors as well as fine motor skills while finger painting.
Community serviceIt really does take a village to raise a child and at ACES we love to give back to that village. We think it is important that our students learn about all of the individuals, careers, and moving parts to our community as well as to give back to it. Picking up trash around town, learning about our local firefighters, and making thank you cards for our veterans are a few examples of the type of community learning your child may participate in.
EducationWe all can agree that learning is important and at ACES we try to make it fun. We are currently working with Rocket Math and Reading Rockets. Rocket Math is a supplemental learning program that teaches students addition,subtraction, multiplication, division, and fractions. Reading Rockets is a national public media literacy initiative offering information and resources on how young kids learn to read, why so many struggle, and how caring adults can help.
SportsACES recognizes the importance of getting our children up and moving, teamwork, and learning how to be a good sport. Our building is located across the street from the Bigfork Elementary playground which we have access to all year round. Our students favorite activity this year is the new gaga ball pit! Thanks to our parents and donors, we also now have a fenced yard to help us get outside.
ACES MAIN: (406)-837-5437 |
Physical: 639 Commerce St. Bigfork, MT 59911
Mailing: 439 Grand Drive #345 Bigfork, MT 59911 |